We are currently accepting: Aetna, Cigna, Medicare Part B, Medicaid, HSA, FSA and self pay

This is a good option for when you don’t have out-of-network benefits with your insurance, when you have a co-payment/co-insurance that is higher than the Self-Pay rate or if you have a really high deductible. When you don’t expect to meet your deductible this year self-payment is frequently the least expensive way to receive physical therapy services. This is also a good option if you have and HAS or FSA.

Physical Therapy Center of Erie focuses on quality1:1 care. If you feel like you have plateaued or want a second opinion, give us a try. Our door is open to everyone. Often out-of-network providers are perceived to be more expensive out-of-pocket cost up front, however sometimes quality care that gets results is cheaper in the long run.

Becoming credentialed to be in-network provider is time extensive, Physical Therapy Center of Erie prefers to spend time with patient care.

Also, many health insurance companies refuse to allow additional providers into their network. These companies claim that they have enough providers in their network and choose to restrict access to care. Please contact your health plan if you would like to have more in-network providers near your home. 

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